Monday, May 9, 2011

Carving up close

This is simply a super closeup of a portion of a letterbox carving that is being planted tomorrow with the help of a special boxer ;)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Raven Skull is finished

Crisp and clear.

This photo does not do this any justice. The protective finish gives this art gourd depth and clarity. I am having second thoughts on selling this one. LOL

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This gourd is a big fatty.   I'm gonna tackle it next.  It's my next birdhouse project.

#2 is finished

I am signing and numbering each art gourd

Dogwood (gourd #2)

This is my second gourd.   Done with pen and ink,  and Watercolor.   The finishing touches to seal the art and protect the gourd to be done later today.